Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Google Analytics and Adsense Statstics mismatch

Analytics and Adsense Pageviews/Page Impressions do not Match

Google Adsense Analytics
I have been using these Google tools together from quite a long time but I never noticed that the data in Google adsense and Google Analytics differs. For some reason Google Analytics page views and Google Adsense page impressions do not match. Theoretically page views and page impressions are same but they differ in case of my Google statics. I found that my blog has a high Page views in Google Analytics as compared to my adsense page impressions.(688 page views in Analytics and 573 adsense impressions on 14 August, 2011). So I decided to know what were the basic reasons for this issue. Later I found that this was because of following facts:
1.Google Analytics counts page views even when people browse your website through Google Cache  but in these case, Google adsense ads are not shown and so no ad impressions are counted.

2.While browsing blogs through proxy sites, no ads are shown but still the page views are counted by Google Analytics. This makes Analytics page view high but low adsense page impressions.

3.While some browsers fails to load the Iframe or if adsense javascripts are not loaded, in these case, analyticspage views are counted while the adsense page impressions are not.

These are just some reasons but there are many other factors too which you might want to take a look at http://www.google.com/adsense/support/bin/answer.py?answer=55613

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