Sunday, September 25, 2011

How to Add High Paying Adsense Ads in a Blog

How to Add High Paying Adsense Ads in a Blog

High paying Ads Adsense

No one who like to earn from Adsense would like less paying ads. These less paying ads are really embarrassing because even you see good ads impressions and clicks, yo do not see earning increasing. So anyone would like to place ads that pays higher per click.
I have an experience of 2$ per click ad and a cent per click ads and I know why this happens. Let me make you clear that how ads appears and how you can improve your earnings per click.
Google Adsense ads appear by themselves, we do not have any privileges to choose what ads to display because google Adsense automatically displays ads that matches your blog and blog posts topics.
Usually in my years of experience in Blogging and Adsense, what I have written about is:

Height gain
Weight loss
web hosting,Domain Names
Blog tutorials
Technology Updates

Among these I had no interests on writing about health(Height and Weight) neither I wanted to write about insurances but I did this because these topics pays high per clicks while I have chosen lyrics and music because these have less competitions and I could gain good traffic but pay per click is too low. I even got paid 1 cent per clicks.

similarly I was highest paid for ads about Forex where my per click was sometimes greater than 2$.

While ads on my blogs about blogging and tehnology paid me avarage per click. This way you can decide what you should write to earn more $$. Once you choose low paying topics You can also use this trick to increase your Earning that I use for my music blogs.


MollieResen@Personalmoneynetwork said...

Google Adsense is now a common trend for people who wants to earn online such as bloggers and linkbuilders. It helps that you have a wide array of Google Adsense to your site in order to generate more income and traffic too.

Unknown said...

How many visits a day do you need to start generating over $10 a month on Google adsense?

Unknown said...

Hello Liza,Glad that you have commented. First of all thanks.
And There is not any certain data which tells how much traffic earns what. But according to my data I make about 4$daily on avarage with 600 visitors in my blog. This is just a rough figure.

Incognito said...

I have a PR 5 on one of my blogs and a 3 on another, and nothing on a new one I created last year, and yet I don't get a huge amount of traffic or a lot of money from adsense. I just switched to the text plus pictures which has made a huge difference, but I still am lucky if I make .05cents. And the bulk of mine are .01 hits. Wish I could make more, but my blogs are more because I am interested in the subjects, not because I created them to make money.

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