Thursday, November 17, 2011

How to Get Direct Advertisers for Your Blog?

Tips to Get Direct Advertisers in Your Blog

There may be many ways you can choose to monetize your blog. You can use many third party websites to publish advertisements in your blog. Those third party websites may be Google Adsense or Bidvertisers or Chitika or any other but the problem is that all of them keep commissions in their pocket. They always share revenues, so you get money after the revenue is shared. Why would you share your income if you can get 100% of it? Yes, If you are able to get direct advertisers to your blog, you can get 100% money out of your blog. So I am going to Share my theoretical Tips to attract direct Advertisers to your blog which you need to apply practically.
How to Get Advertisers

Getting direct advertisers at the initial stage may be really difficult. You may need to put lots of effort on that. I would suggest you to try these tips to get some advertisers.

First of all the most essential part: I would suggest you to create an 'Advertise Here' Page in your blog. This page must contain all the plans and pricing options and your approximate number of visitors. You need to put your contact details there. You must be able to convince advertisers why advertising in your blog may be advantage to them compared to advertising in other blogs through your 'Advertise here' Page.

If you are just starting to accept direct advertisers, I would suggest you to make a contact with advertisers in your competitor blogs offering them some better plan and pricing options. Make them sure that advertising with you can really benefit them as compared to your competitor. Never try to insult your competitors, only define how you can benefit them.

If you are just starting, always start with low advertisement rates. Never dream of being rich in a night. Starting with low price will help to attract some advertisers.

You can find some SEO and Webmaster Forum. Sign up there and post some threads explaining your stats and offers under marketplace section. This always helps you to get some advertisers as this is better place where both advertisers and publishers can meet.

You can always publish monthly traffic report on your blog explaining how much traffic you get, what country they are from, how much of them are search Engine Traffic and all. This will be really helpful to attract advertisers.

Important of all, always keep records of every advertisers who advertised in your blog. This will help you a lot. Later when you go out of advertisers, you can always contact them with better offers so that they will get back to you again.

Hope these tips will help you and hope you get some advertisers. Please provide your queries, feedback and suggestion to this posts below in comments.

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arsh kapoor said...

I this post you just told the things that a normal blogger knows you told about the ways to attract advertisers but can you plse mention the source where we can attract advertisers to our blog

Unknown said...

@Arsh, you can try platform like buysell ads.

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