Friday, January 6, 2012

Earn Money Blogging in 2012 Beginners Guide starters

Earning Money Blogging is a main thing I focus about and I am interested to write about because this is one thing I have got huge experience on. Before Starting let me explain my situation and current status which may inspire you on Making Money Blogging. Currently I earn about 30-40$ a day blogging. Rounding up, I earn about 1000$ a month. Converting it into our currency, I get about 75,000 Nepalese rupees. Let me make you clear that this amount in our country is enough to spend and even make some savings and its been just 4 years I have started blogging. First time when I started blogging, I was really upset because for months I could not even earn a penny.
Make Money Blogging

How to Make Money Blogging?

First if you are planning to earn money and you have never did this then let me say that Earning through Blogging is not that hard you are thinking right now. First you need to choose a topic you can write about. The topic can be anything you are experienced on because you can write anything but be sure you do not copy paste anyone's content because you might get in trouble and your dream can fail. To know what to write about you can click here.

Other thing you need to note main is while you start blogging, never expect earnings for first 2 months. These months you need to focus on promoting your blog. Just write enough blog post(Once in a day or once in every two days), start building backlinks(To know how click here). You just Focus on gathering traffic to your sites for first two months. After you start getting some constant good visitors(at least 50 per day) then you can start thinking of making money. So get some visitors. You can get visitors if you focus just on gathering backlinks and writing blog posts. Just browse through content in this blog to know what backlinks are and how you can get them.

After you make some visitors you can have numerous options to earn money. You can either collect direct advertisers or you can start affiliate marketing or you can use CPC ad network like Google Adsense. At the beginning, I just suggest you to use Google Adsense. You can apply for Google adsense after you write some good blog posts and start getting some visitors to your site.

After you get approved Google adsense account, then you can start focusing on earning. Mainly you just focus on getting visitors to your site because once you start getting visitors, you start earning automatically.

For me Visitors Equals Money


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