Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Free Tips on Increasing Actvity and Likes on Facebook Fans

This will be me sharing my experience on how to increase activity on a Facebook Page and let me make you clear that more activity will result more exposure of posts and more chances to increase Loyal Facebook Fan.

Facebook has been one of the great way to get visitors and establish reputation of your online profile. So you must be able to increase Facebook Fan and activity in your page which will increase both your reputation and visitors to the blog.

Facebook traffic activity

Increase Facebook Fan

There are several ways you can increase your Fan on Facebook. The post is not focuses on doing this so I am going to explain just in brief. Facebook Fan can easily increased using Facebook advertisements but if you want to increase for free, you can prefer to host some contests and distribute some prizes to win Follower's heart. Organize the contests in such a way that sharing the Fan Page is part of the contest. This will increase both your visitors and Facebook Like. Addiionally if you have not done yet, you can use Facebook like widget on your blog. This is very effective as your visitors can be your Fan using that.

How to Increase Activity

Activity always matters. You can increase Facebook Fan Page activity in many ways. Some of them include organizing some contests and other may be update. If you host a Football or Sports blogs then, updating live scores and some confusing or contradicting questions may assist. Additionally you may need avoid over updating or just placing links. You need to realize that there is an option to unlike too. So any action that may irritate the Fan may result to decrease the Facebook Fan. You must research on what things are interesting to your visitors and then update about that. Discussions on Facebook differs relating your niche. So keep asking some interesting question that has  no certain answers which means let the visits discuss. This will help you a lot.


Noah said...

I love the idea of adding a poll or a contest for my fan page visitors, they will stick longer and they will feel more "pushed" to participate.

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