Monday, March 12, 2012

How to Write a Press Release For Backlinks

Press Release are usually news we deliver when we start something new. For an example when I first started my blog for Soccer News, I made press release through many sites and this was the first time I learned why press release are important and if you are webmaster, press release can help you in many case.

For me, press release is a new way to gather backlinks and I have found it very effective. There are many dofollow press release sites that allows anchor text to your blogs so that we can get advantage from linking. Since we get anchored dofollow backlink from these sites they are really truely effective. Additionally, these PR sites are very highly crawled by search engine and they have impressive page rank. In addition to these, the PR sites are always syndicated by hundreds of blogs and web2.0 sites or autoblogged sites which means your 1 pr can provide you 100s of backlinks if you are able to write it well.

Today, I am going to share all my experience on PR sites.

I have written 10 PR(I counted them all and could list it) and when I search for the title of these PR I get 100s of results with my blog name. This means that my PR are syndicated within 100s of sites in the web. This means I got 100s of anchored backlinks just writing 10 similar but different PR.

Some Tips on Writing PR which will help you to get nice backlinks.

Since some of the sites that republish the feeds just syndicate some sentence, be sure you give your links on top of your Press Release.

While writing Press releases, be sure your topics and tags covers nice niche which will syndicate your PR to more source on the web.

Be sure you submit with popular sites that provides RSS because there are many RSS syndicating sites that syndicates contents from Press Release Sites.


Evan said...

Press release is a great marketing method to promote anything especially a website because you also get one way backlinks from press release that are syndicated. Press release will provide more backlink if they are published by Google news or Yahoo news.

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