Bounce Rate is the rate at which your Visitor leaves your site without viewing any other article other than the one which they land on. This means this is the rate of the condition at which the page views per visits of the blog is 1.
Every blogger has a wish that they take the most from their visitor and for this they will need to make their visitors stay in your blog as much as possible. So everyone of us want to decrease the bounce rate of our site. Additionally we also need to reduce our bounce rate in order to get rid of being victim of
Google Panda Update.
For a blog, an ideal bounce rate is <40. For me, bounce rate of my blog is 23 as shown according to Google Analytics Tool, because I follow these ideas to decrease my site bounce rate.
Use inbound linking
This means to link from one article to other. Internal linkings should be done is such a way that a reader is compelled to click a link. This can be done by adding links in contents related. This minimizes the bounce rate eventually.
Using Popular Posts
Using Popular Posts that shows the popular posts, users would like to visit the posts which has been popularly liked by the visitors in your site.
Using Labels
Users would always like to browse through the categories they are reading in order to know the posts that are available in same category.
Using Related Posts Widget
You can add suggesting posts at the end of every posts or even you can also add the related posts widgets which automatically does the work.
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