Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Reduce Site bandwidth on Wordpress blogs

Its been years I used blogspot blogs and I had no problem of bandwidth at that time but recently I hosted my new blogs at wordpress and i am now concerned about bandwidth. Usually some plugins and scripts conserve a lot of bandwidth, so I am about to share you a short, easy and automate way to reduce bandwidth usuage from your wordpress site. I suggest you to use Hyper Cache. hyper Cache really saves your bandwidth and you can feel the large difference. This plugin has helped me a lot. I suggest you one thing while using hyper cache. When you want some changes on your blog, I mean when you have customized some themes or widgets, be sure you deactivate hyper cache to check the chance. Once deactivated, you can activate again after you have noticed some changes.

Additionally you can reduce bandwidth by decreasing your site's size. This means that you need to reduce the images used on the site, specially homepage.

Bandwidth are very much essential. If you are using limited bandwidth hosting plan then you need to concern lot about it. So you must check this tip.


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